Friday, December 31, 2010

Two of our biggest prayer warriors

We want to end the year with this last post - honoring two of our biggest prayer warriors whom I caught in action when we were there last at their house.  I thank God for parents who have backed us in every way, especially through their prayers.  We know we have many others who pray regularly for us, but I wanted to honor these - especially since Dad just had a birthday on Dec. 25!  Happy Birthday Dad, and thanks for all you have done and do for us.  (You too, Mom)


  1. how very sweet of you to recognize the power in prayers AND the pray-er warriors (your parents) Happy New Year!

  2. Where would we be without our parents' prayer?!


  3. It inspires us to keep on praying for our kids and grandkids!

  4. Great to see a photo of your parents. What a blessing to have such a heritage behind you.
