Thursday, October 29, 2009

The new youth group

It has been great working with the young people at Koinonia with our new format. There is a neat team of kids doing the planning and leg work. Marcy meets with them regularly for this planning. They have a lot of energy and lots of good ideas.  A lot has happened since we met with this group in our living room when this ministry was born last semester.  Pray that many teens will continue to be reached through this time called "Radar" on Saturday nights. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Children's Day Went Well

I know we focused on Children's Day in the Outback in our last prayer letter but thought I would share a few more pictures. One of my puppet Freddie and the other a neat shot our gang took just when the piƱata broke. Lot's of fun and lots of little lives being blessed. Our team did a great job. Thanks for all the prayers. 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fund Raiser Outback Children's Day

Our youth did a fund raiser for the trip to the Outback for Children's Day. It is a yearly event we do and is Chocolate night. Lot's of good deserts and a nice program. We had over 170 out to it. This Saturday we do our Children's Day at Koinonia and then next week it is off to Ingazeira to bless 400+ kids. As I write this our ladies are preparing the toys and goodie bags for the Outback.