Saturday, September 27, 2008

Freddie the Duck

Oh yes, Freddie the Duck will make an appearance this year at the two events. We hope he behaves better this time as he almost always throws a fit looking for his mother...

Children's Day: Recife and Outback

October brings with it Children's Day here in Brazil - October 12th. It's always a big deal here and Koinonia does a special day for our children here and also we take a buss to the Outback to do a special day for the children at Ingazeira. It is quite common to have 300 kids out to the one in Ingazeira. Will you pray for these outreach opportunities? The younger a person comes to Christ the more opportunities these have to spend their lives honoring and serving our great God.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pastor Airton Previous Trip

Since I mentioned the Bible distribution, thot I'd post a picture of that too. Pastor Airton is pictured here with a few who received Bibles on a previous trip. We appreciate this man's love for Northeast Brazil even though his main ministry has been Stateside for years now. He has a tremendous salvation testimony himself out of Spiritism.

Precious Children in Outback

The team that was here and in the Outback recently had a great time. They were encouraged to find people reading and studying the Bibles they had given out on previous trips. They had some interesting stories of various ones in these rural areas that are professing Salvation by grace after being taught their whole lives that Christianity is a works religion. Pray for these and the next generations - that they may know Christ and His transforming power.

Friday, September 5, 2008

News from Carlos and Dinalda's ministry

Yesterday we had a group get here from North Carolina. Some from the group have been here before and others are first-timers. Carlos has organized the time in the Outback with them again and we would appreciate prayer for their time of evangelism and ministry these days. The group has both Americans and Brazilians who live in the USA so they have their own translators along and all. Pastor Airton Pupo is also with them again and gives the dimension of his knowledge of both cultures since he ministers to Brazilians in the States.

Carlos and Dinalda were recently blessed with a motorcycle to use in the Outback. Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland, Florida are buying it from my nephew Andy who has been living in Brazil for a few months but who is returning to the States on Tuesday. We appreciate this gift, as well as a recent financial gift given to help us with our national missionaries' efforts in the region.