Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ingazeira school games held on our property

It's hard to believe that we could serve the local school with our space as we don't have a lot to offer, but it did happen. Our space was better than the shcool's so Carlos let them use it for their soccer and team handball games this month. It was a week of activities and there would be up to 400 people at a time in and out during the day. We are going to move ahead on covering the sports area as a multi-purpose building there as well. With the sale of the farm we should be able to get that project rolling.


  1. Hey Roger and Marcy! I just wanted to say that I read all your posts and hope that you guys are doing well! Have a blessed week. Dan (and Carrie)

  2. Thanks Dan. I talked to your Dad the other day and was glad to hear that you guys are doing well over there in Korea. You guys will have a lot of experiences to share some day, I am sure.

    Take care. Roger
