Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Missionaries move to a new city and a new challenge

Our missionaries Chico and Dalva have now moved to the city of Triunfo in the Outback region. This is a city that we surveyed with them a few years ago before they moved to Afogados da Ingazeira. They really liked the thought of starting a new work there and it had been one of their two top choices. They ended up moving to Afogados at the time to team up with our former missionaries and to help out in Ingaziera. 
They were left with full responsibilities in Ingazeira when Marcos and Lene parted ways with our church. We have appreciated their faithfulness these years leading that work, but now feel they are ready to live their dream of starting a new work in a place they can live and make friendships on a daily basis. 
The city of Triunfo is located about an hour from Afogados opposite the direction of Ingazeira in a mountain range, and is near the largest city of the Pajeú region, Serra Talhada. Please pray for this transition and for good opportunities to witness for our Lord.
The work in Ingazeira will now be overseen by Carlos who will be renting a place in Afogados and spending a good portion of the month in the region.  Pray for Carlos and Dinalda, as they work out a schedule of trips and ministry in the Outback.  Carlos left today for a trip to the area, with a good size to do list.

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